Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's For The Birds Blog Hop

Now, I think I had to participate in this one as my son's bed quilt made it in as a poster child for the hop...


You can find the post I did for the Wicked Hop here and it has more pics of this quilt...I was trying to make it spooky with 13 ravens and all the Nevermore and The Birds vibe...believe it or not, my son still thought it was fine to use on his bed...no fear, that guy!

Can't wait to see Madam Samm's version as she's been teasing me with hints for months!

So, this guy/gal above ended up in our woodstove as he was looking for nesting sites recently...good thing the hubby has bird wrangling skills...thought the pic might be appropriate for the hop...

Thanks to Madam Samm and Mary for hosting/cheering our big group of bird watchers through this hop!

Today I chose to go in a completely different direction and I used a drawing of Charley Harper's for inspiration...and added a bit of Krislovesfabric styling to come up with this wallhanging.

I love the way it turned out and have hung it in my sewing room to enjoy...

This guy is my fave so I put him at the top of the pile...

This guy is a "bluebird of happiness"...

 And, this guy...who doesn't like a good yellow bird, lol!!

I used colonial knots for the eyeballs and have decided I may enjoy making that knot more than the french knots I have made in the past.

Thanks, as always to our host and cheerleader this round Madam Samm and Mary!!  We love you both for adding organization and fun to this community of show and tell.
Please visit all these other blogs in the first day of the hop today...

May 7th



Amy said...

I love this bird quilt!!!! It is just adorable.

Judy B said...

Your bird quilt is adorable and the Cardinal is really the king of the flock! Thank you for sharing.

Janarama said...

I absolutely love your bird quilt. The text background is perfect for the bright colors you used for the birds. Awesome job!

Mary said...

Love your Charley Harper birds. They are wonderful.

Michelle said...

Love your bird quilt! I have to also say I really love that crow quilt! Fabulous! Your choice of backgrounds is really great.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Posso dizer paixão?É o que senti agora...muito lindo,parabéns e que Deus continue te inspirando.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Oh my I would shriek is a bird came in the house.. I kind of love the Raven quilt, in a dark kind of way.. it's so cool, and the wall hanging it just too cute! LOVE it. :) Love the bright birds and the texty background. Thanks for sharing. xoxo

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Now you are having just too much fun....grin. These are adorable!

Martina said...

Great quilts, both of them! Lovely!!!

Britt-Inger said...

Your quilt is awesome and has put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing your creativity

Nati said...

Oh those birds are lovely, thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Great quilt and lovely colors...have a wonderful day

Patty C. said...

LOOOOOOve it !!!

Lavonna ZWB said...

So very cute. Thank you for sharing with us!

Mara said...

Wonderful, a great wallhanging.

charlotte said...

I love it Kris. Reminds me of the Angry Birds game my grandson loves.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Kris. I love birds and you do them proud!!

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Hi Kris,
you did it again, made somting very unique.
Your new wallhanging ist a beauty!!!!
Thanks for sharing ☺

newsurfiegirl said...

ohh that is sew cute! I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Sowing Stitches said...

Score!!!!!! Kris I see a recurring theme here...you are a quilting-ornithologist! Love your birds! :)

Jeanie said...

Love, love, love the birdie hanging! Charlie Harper is great and your little hanging is perfect! Thanks for sharing!

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Your "Fly" quilt is really, really great! So clever and cheery.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Fabulous!! your sons quilt is wonder; of course. But I just love the wall hanging for your sewing room.

Thearica said...

I have loved that quilt since you first showed it! And the wallhanging is so clever!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

How cute those birds are. I love the variety of colors and the background fabric too. Lovely job.

KaHolly said...

Ahhh, when I saw your Charlie Harper top at Madame Samm's site, I had to click through every participant until I found you!! Just delightful! I'm a big Charlie Harper fan and have often thought to do as you have done...just never got around to it. Absolutely delightful!!

Barbara said...

How fun is your bird wallhanging! Those colorful little birds just make me smile. Thanks for sharing your creativity...love it!

KaHolly said...

P.S. This is the first time I've wanted to "pin" something, so I figured out how to do it. I hope you don't mind. Please let me know if I over-stepped my bounds!! ~karen

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

Those birds gave me a chuckle! Great job.

Debbie said...

Super cute. Great design and love the background fabric too!

Linda said...

Both projects are just perfect! Great job!!!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

I remember your bird quilt from the Halloween hop..still love it and your new birds!

Scrapatches said...

Thanks for the inspiration for the hop and the great new project. Your birdies are sew "fly." I have never seen that colonial knot stitch before. I am going to have to look into that one. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

Patty said...

Oh I LIKE this! And like Pat said, I need to look up the colorial knot. Great job.

Vickie said...

Your wall hanging is PRECIOUS !

beaquilter said...

very cool raven quilt and love the happy funky birds, did you turn under the edges or just raw edge applique?

Just Quilt It said...

This is outstanding--I love the pyramid of birds--so cute!

Leanne Parsons said...

I love those bright, cheerful birds, especially the 'blue bird of happiness.' Great job!

Marianne said...

Oh I love the sweet colorful birds !

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt, and the colorful cheerful little birds.

Sparky said...

Good Morning Kris...well you know how much I love your birds....everyone else does too...I just smiled when I saw it .....and your sons quilt...well you know how much I love that lol you are well my muse you know that don't you

Linda C said...

I remember that blackbird quilt! But how fun is the new brightly colored stylized version. Too cute!

Gwen said...

I love your birds! And how nice that they don't look angry at all!

karen k said...

Love your wallhanging! It brings a smile to my face. Birds are enjoyable and yours are too.

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

SO cute!!! I love this! Great job :)

Calicojoan said...

I saw your quilt is the Wicked hop and saved the picture to my favorites. I just LOVE that quilt. But I must say, FLY just tickles my fancy. I can't help but smile from ear to ear when I see it!

Stitches said...

Your birds are adorable...love your wall hanging..

jan said...

Ok sew this is just adorable! Now I have to look up colonial and how to make it! I love the blue bird of happiness!

suz said...

love Harper art - this came out adorable

Carrie P. said...

love your quilts and congrats on being the mystery pick on Mdm Samm's blog.

apple blossom said...

nice quilts

Kirsten said...

Beautiful quilts. We are Poe fans here as well.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Loved the crows and your latest is another hit! Fantastic!!

legato1958 said...

I just ADORE your FLY! quilt!!


Linda said...

All the birds are adorable! You will have to show me how to make the colonial knot. Great quilt!

Linda said...

All the birds are adorable! You will have to show me how to make the colonial knot. Great quilt!

Jane's Quilting said...

Your birds are all so SWEET! Thanks for sharing, I truly enjoyed seeing and reading about them.

Lou said...

Your birds are so coloful and tweet! Great job!

Emily C said...

Love the raven quilt. A little dark, but very nice.

Carol Swift said...

I went crazy about your raven quilt (just like that "other lady"), but now I think I want to make this new one--it is just too cute! Great job!

Gill said...

I love your raven quilt but the Charley Harper quilt is stunning! I love CH's birds!
Thank you for sharing!

Needled Mom said...

I LOVE this little quilt with the birds!!! Great job.

barb said...

I love the little bird quilt! If it ever needs a new home keep me in mind babscorbitt@gmail.com

Frederika said...

Love your colorful birds, They are looking great

Pauline said...

I remember the Wicked bloghop quilt, I love it! But your quilt for this hop is in a very different way also a topper! I love the background fabric and all your bright colored birdies- you Fly with this one! Thanks for sharing!

MoeWest said...

This is a great wall hanging! I love the background fabric and you have most of the colour wheel represented with those cute birds!

CharlotteT said...

Love those birdies! You are very talented!
Just in case my no reply is not fixed!

carla said...

Hi!!!! Still love your Raven quilt!!! Love your new little birdies too!!! They are just too adorable!!!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Kris, Are you kidding! How cute is that! You know I love all your work, this just makes me smile!

Teatime Creations said...

What a wonderful collection of birds. love the background fabric.

Lesley said...

Your little quilt is stunning...adore it! Well done!

mennikelly said...

Beautiful and so fitting since I've just read a book called Birds five times to my son.

Denise said...

Wonderful quilt for your son and I LOVE the "FLY" one! How do you get your applique lines so straight!? I'm new to the technique and still struggle a bit with it! Your projects are wonderful!

Sewgirl said...

Really cute quilt! Very creative. Thanks for sharing.

tink's mom said...

Your sons quilt is wonderful, but the little guys are just terrific.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Loved your sons quilt!! Your little birds are so adorable!!

busyascanbe said...

I love all the colors of the birds and I bet your son loves it!

Karen said...

Love it! Way to go. So colorful and chill, I just love it! (Did I say that already??) :)

StitchinByTheLake said...

Just darling Kris...wonderful colors and I LOVE the background. Blessings, Marlene

LJ said...

Of course your Wicked bird quilt was/IS outstanding! Then, you added a "bird in the hand"... to add a bit more height to the bar. Finally, the bar was again lifted with "Fly". I love how you interpreted the birds; outstanding!

Unknown said...

Wonderful! I love your quilt...it really made me smile to see your bird faces! Thanks for being on the hop!

lefuntz said...

That wall hanging is fabulous and sew deserving of a top spot! I remember your wicked quilt very well. No wonder your son loves it. I do too.

Janet said...

That is a really cute pyramid of birds!! Love the varied colours.

SandyMay said...

That is a darling, darling wall hanging. Those teardrop birds are too cute. I followed the Wicked blog hop and remember your "birds" quilt. Glad your son liked it too.
swalker287 (at) aol (dot) com

Marian said...

really cute, love both of the bird quilts.

Debby said...

I love Charley Harper birds, too! I cut a magazine pic out of a quilt magazine that featured some and it's on my bucket list to make some. Thanks for a wonderful bit of eye candy today!

gtcoursey said...

What unique ideas. Thanks for sharing

Newbie Jen said...

Wonderful projects! I was thinking of making something similar to your sons quilt for the hop (and for Halloween), but didn't get past sketching it. I love how yours turned out! Perhaps, I will have to revisit the idea soon.

Anonymous said...

I love the colourful birds in our wall hanging

Tricia said...

Kudos for making something the boy child likes, to hubby'a bird wrangling skills and to you for sharing such wonderful birds that you made. What skills to have on hand.


Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Super cute birds. I see fabric constantly and it reminds me of your quilt from the wicked blog hop. Such a great quilt.

Jenny Squawk said...

I'm a CH fan and they are lovely! Make me smile. Good deal! You added it to the CH flickr group. Everyone must see it.

Patty said...

I'm just getting caught up on day 1 o the hop - this is really cute - one of my favorites from the hop!

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

Love, Love, Love your CH birds! Congrats on being one of the chosen!

Suze said...

What a great wall hanging for your sewing room! You always have the most creative projects! I can hardly wait to see what you have created. I don't know exactly what your intent was, but it certainly is an incentive for me - not exactly a spring chicken to still try my wings and fly! Thanks for participating and being a great inspiration. I'm sure I'll see you in future hops. I'm sorry I'm late in getting to view your entry.

Pamela said...

Love both your bird quilts. The latest one...is awesome. Thank you for sharing!

Sue said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love all of your bright and cheery birdies!

Amy W. said...

Really cute birds, the gray bird quilt is cool.

Sherrill said...

Love both the quilts--just curious, what size is Fly? Adorable!!