But first, I want to thank all the great sponsors who have been so gracious in sponsoring our hop.
They provided this pretty fabric called Calico Days by designer Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet that I used to create my blocks as well as a giveaway for those who are going to sew-along with us in a linky party later this month.
The other wonderful sponsor for this month is the Fat Quarter Shop who is also providing a giveaway on this post!
Giveaway Closed!!
Now, let's get to my blocks for August...
Block 1 is a "Churny" Flower
I love a good churn dash so I made my block with that type of construction but a coloration and scale to represent a posy...
To make this block I used:
2 5" squares of background (white)
2 5" squares green print
4 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles background (white)
2 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles blue plaid
2 4" x 4 1/2" rectangles blue plaid
2 1 1/2" x 2" rectangles blue plaid
1 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" square yellow
Next, I arranged the pieces into my flower as shown below:
Then I sewed the pairs of rectangles and the center rectangles and square together as shown below:
It is now time to assemble the 3 columns...each should measure 4 1/2" x 12 1/2" at this point
And finally, sew the columns together to produce the "Churny" Flower block which measures 12 1/2" x 12 1/2"
Here is the back to show how I pressed the seams, feel free to press them open if you like to achieve a flatter block.
My second block is called Trowel Time!
It is an applique block. I used fusible machine applique on my sample.
Here is the link for the pattern on Craftsy for you to make your own Trowel Time block.
My favorite method of machine applique is fusible applique and I like to use a black thread to outline the shapes, I think it makes it look like a child's drawing. You are welcome to use your favorite style of applique whether it is a button hole stitch or a zigzag or even needleturn...you will need to add a seam allowance if you wish to needleturn by hand.
The pattern has not been reversed but is easy to place on a lightbox or against a window to trace if you would like it going the direction I have it on my model...it would look equally good facing the other direction though!!
Here are my versions of prior blocks and the future designers from this QAL as well as the links used to find them:
Month 1 February
Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy
Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy
Carol – Just Let Me Quilt
Carol – Just Let Me Quilt
Blocks 3 & 4 are designed by Carol and you can find the patterns here.
Doris – Quilting Queen Online
They are designed by Doris of Quilting Queen Online and you can find the patterns here.
Carla – Creatin’ in the Sticks
Sue – Super Mom No Cape
Sue – Super Mom No Cape
Kris – Kris Loves Fabric <---Me!!
Kris – Kris Loves Fabric <---Me!!
Pat – Life in the Scrapatch
Pat – Life in the Scrapatch
Vicki – More Stars in Comanche
Vicki – More Stars in Comanche
Lana – It Seams to be Sew
Lana – It Seams to be Sew
Jan - Sew and Sow Farm
Jan - Sew and Sow Farm
Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy– Final Blocks and wrap up
You can also join the Facebook group if you like and share your blocks and/or see what everyone else is making.
Reminder: Be sure to leave a comment on this post on what your favorite gardening task is to be entered in the drawing for the FQS gift certificate. We will pick a winner on August 15th!
Giveaway Closed!!
Giveaway Closed!!
Thanks, Kris, for the beautiful block designs. Looking forward to sewing!
My favorite part of gardening is sitting on my garden swing and enjoying the flowers and the birds and the critters. ... oh ... you mean work task ... ;) I would have to say watering. It has been very dry here this summer and I have been doing this daily. I enjoy showering my yard with love and enjoying the green peace ... :) Pat
My favorite part is walking around, checking on things, seeing how hungry the deer have been and what they nibbled on, pulling weeds before they get too bad, and watching my garden grow!
I love the blocks and can't wait to get to sewing them! Thanks!
Cute blocks. I think my favorite task is gathering what the garden produces after all the weeding and watering.
Love the fabric you used. I Just learned how to make this block. My favorite task in the garden is sitting in my swing by the pond and watching my fish and counting frogs! REALLY. It IS!!
I like to wander my garden pulling weeds, watering, pruning, harvesting flowers and veggies. Love the blocks. raydeer@memlane.com
Fun blocks! I can't wait to make them. My favorite time in the garden is actually pulling weeds and "dead heading" the blooms to promote new flowers.
Janice Grygla
Another adorable applique block for me to make. Yippee! Thank you.
My favourite garden task is harvesting. There is nothing better than a fresh salad made completely out of items from right outside your back door.
I really like your choice of colors and fabrics. Swet blocks. all of the blocks have really been nice. I have made a few and trying to pick back up.
my favorite gardening tasks are planting and harvesting; in between, not so much. love your blocks.
Love your blocks and the whole array of previous ones made. My favorite gardening task is deciding which perennials to plant next :) - and then adding enough bark mulch to keep the weeds at bay.
Mowing the lawn - especially after, when it smells so fresh. I have to admit that someone else has to do it since I don't do gardening - other than pulling weeds and planting the odd plant. I'm allergic to something out there and my arms get all itchy if I spend a significant amount of time out in the garden. Great blocks this month. Thank you.
I loved your blocks and so enjoyed sewing both of them. With all my worn out equipment I'm glad I was able to sew them early and get them scheduled for posting.
My favourite gardening task is planting.
Favorite part about gardening is watching it grow & the produce yummy things to can for Winter! :)
Love your Blocks..Thanks for Tutorial...and chance to win your Give-a-way too! :D
My favorite gardening task is watering.
these are so cute. thanks for sharing.
my favorite gardening task is picking the vegetables. LOL
My husband loves to dot the rest. I just water when needed and give him support and a listening ear.
Gardens ... what's not to love!! I love this Blog Hop. One of my favorites this year. Thanks so much sharing.
I love to plant the flowers!!!
Can I be brutally honest? I do not garden. When/if I try, I have no follow up to water and keep things alive!! So my favorite part about gardening is admiring my daughter's garden at her house!!
Love your blocks (the applique one is adorable . . .) and thanks for the opportunity to win.
kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Oh, Kris, your blocks are way too cute! Love that Applique too much! I wish I had started this BOM right from the beginning now that I see all the cute blocks. I like to tidy up around my plants. Working in the gardens is always so relaxing. Have a great week! XO
Just love these, Kris! Beautiful work.
My favorite garden task is purchasing. There have been many times that I've brought home plants without any idea where they are going to be place in the yard. I always say that is my husband's job!
My favorite part of gardening is visiting my favorite nurseries and choosing the plants. We have many perennials but always fill in other spaces and pots with annuals. Then....sit back and enjoy!
My favorite gardening task is to cut my roses and bringing them into the house to enjoy. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
Your trowel block is adorable! I love harvest time- I never mind carrying in fresh food from my little garden.
Digging in the dirt as early as I can in Spring to plant what I've brought home for the nursery. The 'itch' to plant sometimes comes sooner that the weather permits here in the Pacific NW. Love the block with the trowel.
I live out in the country and we plant a big garden. I love it all, weeding isn't my favorite thing to do but I don't even mind that really. The end results are the best.
I find it relaxing to water my flowers and tomato plants with the garden hose.
I also enjoy seeing the sprinkler on in the late afternoon with the evening sun shining through the spray of water.
I love all parts of the gardening experiences - I do love the planning of it and growing my own starter plants from the seeds I have saved!!
I love just having a wander around with a watering can and checking what's new and what needs attention 😊
My favorite part of gardening is picking the fresh vegetables and cooking with them. Yum! Thanks for sharing your delightful block!
I love to walk outside in the morning and have coffee with my husband. My favorite gardening task is to simply carry scissors everytime I walk outside to clip spent flowers (that yields more blooms) Nothing is more relaxing than to look at my beautiful blooms as I have that morning time with my honey.
I enjoy getting the seeds and plants into the ground and then watching them grow. Seeing the flowers and the produce is a bonus.
Love that little bird on the trowel... so, so cute! My favorite gardening task is picking out the plants and flowers at the garden center!!
My favorite garden task is checking out what is blooming and getting ripe. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I like pruning plants. It makes them look better, helps them grow, and is pretty easy!
My favorite thing in gardening is canning what I pick.
Picking the goods at the end of the season.
Your blocks are super sweet! Great Tutorial too!
My favorite gardening task is watering the plants.
I can inspect each plant as I give them a good soaking.
I really like planting my garden the best! I get sore and stiff, but it's all worth it when those flowers bloom and the butterflies come around!
They are soft and pretty, Kris, and look perfect with your other blocks from this set! Well done!!
Love all those pretty blocks and the soft colors.
Believe it or not, my favorite garden task is to weed. There's something about pulling up those invading weeds by the roots that is like therapy! LOL I love a weedless garden.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite part in my garden is picking the flowers and eating the vegetables.
I love planting cherry tomatoes and watching the whole family, including me, eating them straight off the vine!
Can't wait to get started on these blocks. My favorite gardening task is weeding. I feel like I accomplished so much when I am done.
I love getting my hands in the soil for the first time in the spring, when the soil is warm enough to work.
I like picking the fruit, veg and herbs.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
Well done, Kris! The blocks are so cute and one of these days I will have do something more than collect the patterns for "someday".
What do I like about gardening? Well, to be truthful, I have sort of a black thumb but one houseplant has survived in spite of me, one that my husband had kept going for 35 years so it would have been a shame for me to kill it! I also have a Wandering Jew that is doing great since I moved it outside and re-potted an aloe vera that is going great guns. Maybe there is hope for me yet!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity from one of my favorite spots, the Fat Quarter Shop.
Thank you for the block patterns.
My favorite part of gardening is planting it. I love to sit and admire the flowers and watch the birds enjoy the shrubs, bird bath. And hummingbirds flying around tasting the sweet nectar from their favorite flowers. Really dislike late fall when winter will soon set in and my flowers have faded.
My favorite part is picking the ripened vegetables.
I guess my favorite would be enjoying the fruits of my labor and bringing some flowers inside to brighten our home.
My favorite gardening task for August would be sitting by the outdoor fire and enjoying time with family and friends while indulging in all the good eats from the garden....
My favorite thing to do is plant bulbs. I can get that done and then I don't want to do anything else.
I love to clip the plants after they have bloomed. I like to see things all clean and ready to bloom again. Thanks for sharing your patterns. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com
LOL, my favorite (non) task is photographing the gorgeous flowers! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com
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